2020 Science Storylining Webinar Series Group Package
2020 Science Storylining Webinar Series
Group Package Save $150!
Register 6 Teachers from the same district and SAVE!
This registration form is specifically for the webinar series hosted by All Species Education Consulting and the lead authors of the Illinois Biology Storylines. All webinars will be hosted live on either a weekday evening or weekend, but all will be available to you archived after they end. There will be one (1) webinar per month (February through June) that will answer questions from those registrants who submitted them at least 48 hours prior to going live. These webinars will cover some of the most pertinent topics involved when implementing storylines as well as an overview of select storylines. The web series registration fee is $125 and they are not available for individual purchase. This fee will be collected via PayPal so please enter the email address below that is associated with your PayPal account. We are excited to help you effectively implement storylines in your classroom
Remember to enter the email associated with your PayPal account in the first field above. If your district is reimbursing you, you should print your PayPal receipt once you submit your registration fee. If you need assistance in any other way, you may contact Dr. Jason Crean at Jason@drcrean.com.
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel at any time but refunds cannot be issued after two (2) weeks prior to the event. Credits for a later event may be considered but only specifically ASEC-sponsored events qualify.